Getting Started

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Follow the normal Joomla! installation procedure. The installation package is compatible with Joomla! 3.x. There is also a legacy version (available upon request) universally compatible with both Joomla! 1.5 and Joomla! 1.6/1.7/2.5.


With DB Embed, you use {dbembed:load=database_table key=column_name find=key_value value=source_column_name} tag to insert any value from Joomla! database table directly into content article.

The parameters are described below. For the purposes of our example, we will insert the full name of the site administrator, referencing it by the user name 'admin':

Parameter Description
Example Notes
load The name of the database table from which you want to get data. You can use #__ prefix (recommended), it will be automatically replaced by the actual prefix from you Joomla! installation's global configuration
#__users This value can be optionally single- or double-quotted (Pro version only). If the quotes are omitted, it should contain no whitespace characters
key The name of the database column that could be used as a reference. DB Embed will look for the key value to select a row, from which it will take data to insert. Note! This should be a column containing unique values to get the reliable search results username This value can be optionally single- or double-quotted (Pro version only). If the quotes are omitted, it should contain no whitespace characters
find The key value to search admin This value can be optionally single- or double-quotted (Pro version only). If the quotes are omitted, it should contain no whitespace characters
value The name of the database column, the value from which will be inserted into an article text name This value can be optionally single- or double-quotted (Pro version only). If the quotes are omitted, it should contain no whitespace characters



0 # DB Embed UsageMartin 04.03.2018 20:36
Hi there, I took your 'Pro' version of DB Embed. I wish to include values from a mysql D/B on user webpages.

The information for each user will be different.

I think the values for the embed should be:

find=key_value (I want this to be the value for currently the logged in user)

Can you tell me what I should use for the key_value variable in the query to get the info from the table for the logged in user?

Thanks a lot,
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0 # RE: DB Embed UsageИлья Вихарев 04.03.2018 20:57
Hi Martin,

There is no way to show different data to each user, sorry. All DB Embed parameters can be fixed values only.
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